Classic compliance management
Compliance with laws, regulations and guidelines is becoming ever more important in the modern business world - and ever more demanding. A functioning compliance management needs specialised staff or departments that establish the appropriate organisational measures and processes such as:
- Identification of risks (analysis, benchmarking, legal framework conditions etc.)
- Internal information system (to determine training requirements, set up company guidelines, deviation analysis etc.)
- Functioning communications system (use of notification systems, representation of procedures, handling of exceptional situations, escalation etc.)
- Internal control system (compliance staff, control procedures)
But compliance management far more than a legal necessity. It is a decision for economic benefit. Because it is all about maintaining your reputation - also by avoiding damages and costs such as sanctions or fines. Thanks to the comprehensive and integrative skills of our auditors, tax consultants, specialist lawyers and IT experts, DORNBACH is the partner supplying strong solutions for the coordination of appropriate compliance tools - whether already established or yet to be created. Our services include, for example:
- Coaching the company directors, the management and the compliance officers
- Outsourcing of compliance management
- Performance tests of compliance managements