Axel Höhmann
Certified Public Accountant, Tax Advisor, Managing Partner
After carrying out his practical training and passing his exams as a tax advisor and certified public accountant, Mr Höhmann was a partner of KUBAK & PARTNER GBR and managing partner of H.-D. KUBAK GMBH and the AKH Rheinisch-Bergische Treuhand GmbH in Solingen.
These companies have been part of the DORNBACH Group since 2015.
His activities are mainly focussed on business management and tax law advice, design consultancy of medium-sized clients and the auditing and preparation of annual and group audits.
Mr Höhmann gained specialist industrial knowledge in the metalworking industry, particularly in foundries, surface refinement companies and forming technology.
He also specialises in year-end audits of public-law companies in private legal form and looking after non-profit organisations.
Mr Höhmann is active as an auditor for quality control, in accordance with Section 57a (3) of the Public Accountant Act (WPO).
- Business and tax consulting for medium-sized companies and their shareholders, with main focus on the GmbH & Co. KG legal form
- Inheritance tax advice
- Looking after non-profit organisations
- Quality control in the sense of Section 57a ??(3) of the Public Accountant Act (WPO)
Phone +49 (0) 212 5 46 96 - 21
Fax +49 (0) 212 5 46 96 - 46
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